Thursday, October 9, 2008

Millet Waffles

Well, Noah is 6 weeks old today and appears to have some pretty significant intolerances. I have been avoiding all milk and soy proteins since 4 weeks prior to his birth and after. At about 4 1/2 weeks he changed from a sweet, happy baby that did a fairly good job sleeping at night to one that was quite fussy and only slept in our arms. In order to continue breastfeeding, I was advised to begin the Total Elimination Diet to determine what foods bother him. I started the diet on Tuesday morning, 10/7/08.

I am allowed to eat:
yellow squash
white and sweet potatoes
rice milk
pear juice

I added in quinoa for some protein, as the other two items for protein were lamb and turkey, neither of which I eat as a vegetarian.

Noah did have a really fussy/gassy time yesterday for an hour...screaming and tons of toots. Poor guy! Not sure if I still had something in my system that was working it's way through him, but I'm going to stick to the above a bit longer and see how he handles it.

Today is day three, and I felt the need for something further. I adapted the below recipe from a rice waffle recipe found online.

In a blender, combine the following:

1/2 cup potato flour
1/2 cup tapioca flour
3/4 cup millet flour
1 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
2 T sugar (more if you want a sweeter waffle)
2 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
1 egg, or egg substitute
2 cups rice milk
1 T. olive oil
(if you want a savory waffle, add a bit of onion and garlic powder. If you want a sweeter waffle, add the aforementioned sugar and some vanilla.)

Blend in the blender as well as possible, and finish mixing by hand if needed. Let sit 5 minutes. Meanwhile, grease and preheat waffle iron. Cook by 1/3 portions until waffle is done.

I was fairly satisfied with the waffle, it was great to eat something other than what I had been for the last 2 1/2 days!